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Privacy policy

About personal data
For us at RevolutionRace, it is of great importance that your personal data is handled in a safe and secure way. We follow all laws and regulations that apply to personal data protection. This policy helps you, among other things, to understand what kind of information we collect, how it is used and what rights you have. You are always welcome to contact our customer service with your questions or concerns about how we handle your information. Contact us at, and we will get back to you regarding your request. Further information on this can be found in the section "Your Rights". 

Who is responsible for your personal data? 
RevolutionRace AB, 556938-2913, Nils Jakobsonsgatan 5D, 504 30 Borås, Sweden is responsible for the processing of your personal data. If you wish to contact RevolutionRace, you can find contact details here. 

An overview of the privacy policy 
This privacy policy is relevant for you, regardless if you visit our website to shop, look at our selection or are interested in our newsletter. This privacy policy thus applies to all processing of personal data - regardless of whether you get in touch with us via our website, over the phone or through our social networks. 

The following is a summary of what is contained in this privacy policy:
•    What is personal data? 
•    What personal data do we process?
•    Who can we share your information with? 
•    Your rights 
•    How does RevolutionRace protect your personal information? 
•    Changes to the privacy policy
•    Contact

What is personal data? 
Regardless of which way you get in touch with us (via web, telephone or other channels) we receive information about you, so-called personal data. Much of the personal data we process, is generated by you when you are in contact with us or use our services.

Personal data refers to all information that can be used to identify natural persons. This can be done either with personal data directly, or in combination with other information. This means that all information that cannot be used to identify you is to be considered non-personal information, also referred to as anonymous information. When such anonymous data is combined with your personal data, the data will be considered as personal information. 

In principle, the following applies: You may refuse to provide certain personal information when we ask you to do so. You control what information you want to give us, but it may complicate or limit the provision of the services we provide. For example, we cannot deliver your goods without a delivery address.

We process your information only in accordance with the purposes described in this privacy policy.

What personal data do we process? 

In order to handle your orders, purchases and reviews we need to process this information about you:
•    Name 
•    Address, telephone number and e-mail 
•    Payment information and payment history 
•    Information about your order (eg order number, product, delivery address, invoice and content of your reviews) 

We do this on the legal basis of fulfillment of the purchase agreement; without this information we cannot fulfill our agreement with you. We save the information for 36 months from the time delivery and payment have taken place to be able to help you with any complaints and warranty matters.

In order for us to comply with the laws and regulations that apply to us, we must process this information about you: 
•    Name 
•    Address 
•    Payment information and payment history 
•    Information about your order (eg order number, product and delivery address) 

We do this on the legal basis of legal obligation, which means that we must handle the data to comply with the laws to which we are subject. An example is the Accounting Act, and therefore we save this information with limited access for 7 years + the current year. 

In order for us to offer you customer service, we need to process this information about you: 
•    Name 
•    Telephone number and / or e-mail 
•    Social security number (for certain payment options) 
•    Payment information and payment history 
•    Information about your order (eg order number, product, delivery address and invoice) 
•    Information that you provide in your communication with us 

We do this on the legal basis that the processing is necessary to satisfy our legitimate interest in being able to answer questions from you. We save the information for 36 months to be able to resolve customer service matters but also to be able to handle any complaint matters.

In order to market ourselves to you by displaying our products and offers on our site and through partners, we handle this information about you: 
•    Data collected on the site and from cookies, such as which products you have clicked on and pages you have visited, read more in our cookie policy
•    Order number 
•    Email 
•    Telephone number
•    Metadata you have provided, such as gender and interests 

We do this on the legal basis that the processing is necessary to satisfy our legitimate interest in marketing our products to you up to 36 months after your last activity on our site. To do this, we mainly use the advertising services and partners that you find below. You can also read more about processing through these channels by following the links below:

Apptus Technologies AB: 
Apptus is used to give you the best possible and relevant experience on our site, through e.g. refined search capability and personalized product recommendations. 

Google & Youtube: 
Our website uses remarketing with Google Adwords through the provider Google Inc. Through this, personal ads can be displayed to you on other websites and via Google Search based on your previous behavior on our website. To learn more about how cookies are handled, read our cookie policy. You can opt out of these personalized advertising preferences at:





You can also read about how we handle cookies in our cookie policy.

In order to send newsletters and various offers via SMS, e-mail or other direct marketing channels, organize customer surveys, receive feedback and handle questions in our customer forum, we need to handle this information about you:
•    Name 
•    Address, telephone number and e-mail 
•    Data collected from cookies, such as which products you have clicked on and pages you have visited. Read more in our cookie policy
•    Information you provide yourself (eg gender, preferences and the like).

We only do this when we have received your consent in connection with you submitting the information. The consent can be revoked or adjusted at any time by you. Contact customer service to revoke or adjust the consent.
We do this on the legal basis that the processing is necessary to satisfy our legitimate interest in marketing our products to you up to 36 months after your last activity. 

Who can we share your information with? 
We sometimes share information, including personal information, with certain recipients to perform the processing described above. When third-party suppliers and partners process data on our behalf, we establish data protection agreements to ensure that these parties also process your personal data in accordance with the legal requirements. We never sell your information to anyone without your permission. 

Service providers 
In order to fulfill the purposes of our processing of your personal data, we share your personal data with companies that provide services to us, e.g., to handle the dispatch and delivery of your goods or to provide certain systems. These companies may only process your personal data in accordance with our specific instructions and may not use your data for anything other than this.

Payment service providers 
To manage payments via the site, we use various payment service providers. The payment service provider is responsible for personal data for its own processing of your personal data and have separate terms that apply to them. Information about their terms and handling of personal data is given to you when you choose which payment method you want to use on the site.

In order for us to be able to compensate our partners for traffic to us that has been generated via their channels, we share information with our partners such as number of orders and purchase price. The information is shared for that purpose only and is not sold or further shared.

Other recipients 
We may transfer your personal data to other recipients, e.g., authorities, if required by law. If all or part of our business is sold or merged with another company, your personal information may be disclosed to our advisers, potential buyers and their advisers and passed on to the new owners of the business.

Transfers outside the EU 
We may transfer your personal data to other recipients outside the EU. In the event of these transfers, there is always appropriate transfer mechanisms and security measures in place.

Your rights
According to the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the following rights regarding the processing of your personal data: 

Right to access
You have the right to know which personal data from you we use, through a so-called register extract. If you want a complete register extract, you can contact our customer service for help.

Right to rectification 
We want to ensure that your personal information is correct and up to date, and you also have the right to get any incorrect information about you corrected. If the information you have provided to us changes, e.g., if you change your e-mail address, name or payment details, just contact our customer service

Right to withdraw consent and right to restrict processing 
You have the right to oppose certain treatment, for example for purposes relating to direct marketing and newsletter distribution. 

Right to be forgotten 
In certain circumstances, you have the right to have your personal data deleted.

However, this does not apply if we, for example, are obliged by law to preserve or otherwise handle the information, or if the information is needed to be able to fulfill an agreement with you. 

To be transparent about how we process your personal data (in addition to this policy), we must provide information in connection with the collection of such data. We state which data we process, the legal basis for the processing and how long this data is estimated to be processed. In addition, updated information on the processing of personal data is always published on our website.

How does RevolutionRace protect your personal information? 
We take technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data from destruction, loss, as well as the dissemination of your data to unauthorized persons. We aim to continuously improve our security measures.


Changes to privacy policy 
As we at RevolutionRace continuously develop our website and the user experience with us, this privacy policy may be subject to necessary changes. The latest version is always available on our website.

Contact us
If you have any questions about how we handle your personal information, you are always welcome to contact our customer service or via our contact form. For questions about GDPR, you are also welcome to contact us at If you are not satisfied with the answer you have received from us or how we handle your information, you have the right to submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority. 

Read more about cookies in our cookie policy.
